Understanding FASD
What is FASD?
A short video that explains what Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is and the impacts it can have on an individual.
Watch videoUnderstanding FASD in a school environment
This resource lists common presentations of FASD in the school environment to familiarise primary school teaching and support staff with challenges that may be experienced by a child with FASD.
Learn moreGuide to the referral and diagnostic process
This guide outlines the six stages in the referral and diagnostic process after concerns are identified in school, with a particular focus on the stages most relevant for primary school teachers and support staff.
Learn moreA day in the life: What a child with FASD might experience during a day at school
A short video depicting common difficulties a child with FASD may experience in the school environment and how they affect and deplete their mood throughout the day.
Watch videoQuiz - Understanding FASD
A quiz on the core content from the Understanding FASD topic.
Start quizExternal Resources - Understanding FASD
What educators need to know about FASD: Working together to educate children in Manitoba with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
A guide for school staff designed to provide a clear understanding of the needs of students with FASD, and strategies for supporting student learning and working with parents and caregivers. This resource had been developed in Canada, but the information is relevant for Australian school communities. See the following section for information on:
Identifying and understanding FASD (per neurodevelopmental domain and including strategies): Page 7 – 37)
ViewNOFASD webinar for teachers and educators - August 2016
An Australian webinar (45 minutes) by NOFASD that will assist teachers and educators to understand the challenges that children with FASD face in their learning journey. The webinar will:
- Outline what FASD is,
- Help the participant respond to a child with FASD,
- Provide strategies to support the child in the classroom,
- Advise the participant where to go for more assistance and information
See the following section for information on:
Understanding FASD: 4 – 25 minutes
Watch videoStrengths of learners with FASD
A brief factsheet for teachers created by FASD Hub Scotland. It contains information on common strengths of learners with FASD.
ViewSensory issues and FASD
A brief video created by The National Organisation for FASD (UK) that provides an overview about sensory issues and FASD.
Watch videoFetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and complex trauma: A resource for educators
This resource is designed to support schools, educators, and community members to recognise, understand, and work effectively with students with FASD and complex trauma. While this resource has been written for Western Australia, the materials are relevant for all school communities. See the following section for information on:
Understanding FASD: Section 2 (Pg. 13 to 22)