Classroom Strategies

Factsheet - Language and communication strategies to support primary aged children with FASD.

This factsheet contains information to assist teaching and support staff to adapt their language and communication strategies to best meet the needs of children with FASD.


Factsheet - Teaching and learning strategies to support primary aged children with FASD

This factsheet contains strategies that teaching and support staff can implement in the classroom to support a student with FASD in their ongoing learning.


Factsheet - How to create a successful learning environment for primary aged children with FASD

This factsheet contains adjustments and modifications that can be made to the classroom environment to support a student with FASD in their ongoing learning.

Factsheet environment

Quiz - Classroom Strategies

A quiz on the core content from the Classroom Strategies topic.

Start quiz
learning outcome quiz

External Resources - Classroom Strategies

Project partners

Learning with FASD received funding from the Australian Government Department of Health
 Learning with FASD received funding from the Australian Government Department of Health

University-sydney The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use